
Prayers That Keep It Real for My Fellow Bloggers

Good Morning My Fellow Bloggers,

This morning, I just wanted to freestyle. I am just going to write what comes to my mind for each of you. Today is Monday and I know how Monday's can be. You dread getting up, you are tired of going to the same job or you can actually like your job. But a majority of people are fed up at their jobs because you really aren't where God wants you to be. I am not working and I have come to conclusion that Corporate America is not for me. So, I am waiting on God to continue to unfold all He has for me. In the waiting process, I will continue to holla at Him through prayer for direction and insight. 

So, here is my prayer for you today my fellow bloggers.


As each of my blog friends get up this morning protect them. Help them to acknowledge you before their day begins. Help them to see that you are the BIG picture for their life and everything else is a fill in the blanks to complete the picture. For those that have kids. Give them patience with their children this morning. Protect their children as they are off to school or daycare. Help them as they are on their way to work not to have road rage because people will try you in the AM when you are sleepy etc. Especially, in the "A" where I am from. So, give them perfect peace as they are riding in your car. Let them turn the radio off and listen to you speak to them.  Give them encouraging words that will follow them throughout their day.

Help my blog friends who are married. Teach them how to work through all of the problems. Show them themselves and help them not to blame their mate for things they need to work on and adjust in their own lives.  Teach them how to be self-less. If any of my blog friends are in danger in their marriages and are being abused. Give them a way out today. Keep them safe and give them a safe plan of escape. Keep them in their right mind. Embrace them today.

For my blog friends who absolutely hate their job and are frustrated because they know there is more to life. Be their compass today. Get them on the right track. Agitate them until they are in the center of your will for their lives. Some may know what it is they want to do in life. Other's may not have a clue. Take them back to their passion. Back to the things they have always said they wanted to do as children. Open their eyes to see the gifts and talents you have given them. Things they do so naturally every day but can't see that those very things are what they should be doing. Cause them not to settle for Corporate America, not to put their lives in a box. If they are supposed to start their own businesses give them the means to do so. Give them a plan to exit Corporate America and do them. If they are supposed to go back to school. Give them free money to do that. 

God, I can't forget my fellow bloggers who love their jobs. Continue to allow them to excel. Keep them focused and let them be all they can be at work. Help them to treat others as they want to be treated. Give them favor with their bosses. Help them to complete projects. Protect them as they travel. Give them understanding of the new responsibilities given to them. Let them be successful in every aspect of their job.

Lastly, daddy, be with all of my fellow bloggers during this holiday season. Be with the ones who can't afford to buy their children and family gifts. Be the ones who can afford to shop and help them to find good deals. Help us all to recognize those less fortunate than us during this time. Show us who to give to this holiday season. Whether it's a friend in need that we see everyday, someone in the mall, someone at our jobs, someone walking on the street. Help us to give out more this season. And when we give you give back to us. Let us know that you daddy, savior, friend, redeemer, provider, healer, lover, are at the ROOT of this holiday. Help us to acknowledge you.  

Let us all walk out of 2007 with wisdom, humility, understanding, insight, and love. Let 2008 be a year of new beginnings for us all.

Father, I thank you for all of my blog friends on this Monday morning. Help us all to draw closer to you today. 

I love you daddy and I love you blog friends!




Heart Drops said...

awww thanks!

Unknown said...

What a comforting prayer. And thanks for stopping by my blog this weekend. Glad to have you visit any time :-)

Sister P said...

Thanks and may He bless you too!

Jeff Lee said...

This prayer helped me get through the day! THANK YOU so much. I face a bad situation at work and handeled better than I thought I would! Again THANK YOU!

Unknown said...

Love it!!! No wonder I had patience with my 3 year old and 15 year old today. Keep bringin' em from the heart baby. And yes, I am up at 4am, you know it's God.

KimPossible said...

Heart Drops: You are so welcome.

Anne Bradshaw: I am glad you liked the prayer. Yes, I love dropping by your spot. Keep in touch.

Sister P - You are very welcome. I will DEF drop in on you.

Jeff Lee: I am so glad to hear that. I am glad you are enjoying work. AHH...that sounds good to hear you say. Jeff has a job! Jeff has a job! YEAH! Thank you father!

Kizmat: WOW! I am surprised to see you in the place. Pleasant surprise! LOL! Glad to see you in blog ville. It is a beautiful thing. These people are wonderful!!! Hey Kiz...make your profile available so that I can add your profile to my blog role.

Joy Akut said...

AMEN!!! and thanks and back at u girl.

SoleSista said...

thanks.. this is my first time on your blog but not the last. It brought tears to my eyes and comfort to my soul . God is really showing me its time for me to leave corporate american but at times I am scared. almost terrified. I have a 4 year old and i must provide for her.. thanks I will get down on my knees and talk to my daddy tonight. I love and don;t even know u.

KimPossible said...

Fantasy Queen: Amen! LOL!

Mademoiselle M: Amen again! LOL! Thanks for dropping by my spot.

Lyric Daniel: I am glad that this prayer spoke to you. I always tell God, if these prayers can reach just one person then my work is done. I enjoyed your comments. I pray that God would keep putting fire under you and that you would learn to trust Him which is so hard to do. In our minds we trust Him, but really we don't. I just discovered that about myself. I realize that I like to be in control and help God out. As if He doesn't already know what He is doing. It's hard to trust because of the unknown. But, I promise, if you let go, God will show up for you! I am praying for you chica for real. I know it's hard, but God will give you the desires of your heart. I challenge you to get a piece of paper, a journal, type it on the computer. Write down SPECIFICALLY what you want from God when you leave your job. How much money you need to make, what you want to be doing then, etc. And pray on it EVERY DAY! I promise you daddy will show up. He is already there he is just waiting for you.

Love you,