Writing Scenario: I wrote this for Diddy back in 1993. I had a friend who said Fonzworth Bentley was her cousin. I printed an entire Prayers That Keep It Real book for Diddy and wrapped it because it was his birthday. She was supposed to see Fonzworth Bentley and he was supposed to give the book of prayers to Diddy. Needless to say, I am not sure if he did or not. So, once again, this is one of the prayer's in the book I wrote for him and maybe one day I'll get to give it to him.
Prayers That Keep It Real for Diddy
God, I just want to have a fireside chat with you. Man, sometimes my mind is so cluttered and noisy that I can't even think straight. Everyday it is always something. I have to be everything to everybody and sometimes that gets lonely. Things and people are always there to test you.
Because of the business you have me in I get hurt by so many people. And because I am who I am, I have to keep stepping and act like everything is cool. But deep down in my heart that stuff hurts because I'm still human. I cry like everybody else and hurt like everybody else. I know that I look like I have everything under control in my life, but I got issues too.
I guess what I am getting at is that I need you to teach me how to go through things and not be crippled by them. Keep my emotions in line cause you know a brotha can go off at times. Sometimes I want to be the victim for a little while to show people that they really hurt me. But you know I am too cool to stay at that place too long. So, I dust myself off and get back up again.
All, I am saying is this, I face so many challenges every day. I face the challenge of not wanting to get up some mornings because I just don't feel like it! I have the thoughts of what would life be like if my Father, Biggie and Mase were still in my life? Because it's a lonely world out there and when you lose the three people that you cared about the most, it makes it even lonelier sometimes. So, help a brotha find PEACe in the midst of discouragement.
Help me to change my attitude in the midst of pain and disappointments. Help me not to be too prideful to cry and just talk it out when I need to. Put people in my life that I can trust to share my heart with in those moments. I know that I throw the cards in my life but you determine how they fall.
One thing I know for sure is that you are always consistent in my life. You have a track record with me. I have seen you bless me even when I don't deserve it! Help me to always have PEACE even when I can't see my way out!
I just hope that one day you can use the pressures of my life to help somebody else.
Here is another poem that I wrote from Diddy's perspective to God. I am giving you two that I wrote for him because he was actually the first celebrity that I ever wrote PTKIR for. Check this one out.
If I should die tonight
I want to know that my work is done
I don't want to be caught off guard
And then it's too late
If I should die tonight
I don't want to be partying and having a good time
Thinking that my good deeds are going to get me brownie points with you
And then I get played
If I should die tonight
I want to know that I didn't go to sleep mad
Assuming I was gone wake up and move on
And then I fall asleep and never get up
If I should die tonight
I want to know that I will have an eternal home with you
BEcause I have been living right with you
And it has nothing to do with the fact that I say "I love you," but everything to
do with the fact that I know you
If I should die tonight
I want to know that my sons will carry on what I started
Because I was a good role model to them
And they will be men of substance and integrity
If I should die tonight
I want to be known for being a man who took risks
A man who took life seriously
And yet always put a smile on your face
If I should die tonight
I would want to make sure that i was living right with you all along
And I didn't have to say a quick prayer during my last breaths
To make sure I make it into heaven with you.
If I should die tonight
I want to know on that great day when you come back
That I will be in the number
And you will be able to look at me and say I'm proud of you.
Son, you finished strong!
Posted by
6:49 AM
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I liked that poem. Like the blog too
That was great. I have to make a note to stop by more often. I think they all need one. Now I'm off to read Britney's.
Happy Friday to you too!
(I was not happy when they killed Sarah either!)
That's real right there and was very nicely written. Thanks for stopping by my blogspot. :-)
Happy Friday!!!
Good ones Kim, I guess you will just to have faith that the book got where it was supposed to be and read with the heart in which it was written.
Have a Peace filled Friday
Torrance Stephens: Thank you so much for dropping by. I appreciate your comments. Keep in touch and Happy Friday!
Princess Dominque: I am glad you stopped by. Yes, let me know what you think of Brittany's. Yes, I have more poems written for other celebrities.
Shelly P: Girl, I was like what in the world? Is it just me or did they just shoot off one of the most intriguing people on the show? It will be interesting to see how the next season will be.
Ms. Behaving: Girl, anytime. I will definitely be back by your spot. Happy Friday lady!
Beachgirl: Thanks for dropping by have a good weekend.
The Walking Man: I love your comments. You are a such an encourager. Thank you for dropping by and leaving great comments.
OMG!!! where have i been? u've put up all this post and i didnt know about em'...have to up my stalking skills....
i love the way u compose the prayers, like u actually seat in a room with em', feel what they feel and just write...
i love it that i can take them and apply to me too.
so, i'm going back to reread em'
lovely weekend!!
PS...having problems downloading greys...urggg, devil is a liar!!!
I love your Blog Gurl, please add me to your blogroll. Oh and send me some of those prayers if you can ;-)
We thank you for visiting our blog and leaving such an encouraging message. Best of luck to you on delivering these prayers to the celebrities for whom you write. We have added you to our blog-roll, also.
This is my first time visiting your blog, I have to say that it is very interesting! I will be back...
Have a wonderful week my friend.
Kawana Aminata Oliver: I'm checking for you lady. I will DEF add you to my blog roll. I am glad you came to visit my spot.
Bloggersdelight: Thank you so much. Don't be a stranger. I will DEF add you to my blog roll too.
Fuzzy: I am glad you find my blog interesting. Please come back. Thanks for the comment.
The Walking Man: My friend. Have an enjoyable week.
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