Prayers That Keep It Real for: People Who Have Been Burned By Church – Part 2
Real Talk: God never waste a hurt. Things don’t just happen without God allowing them to happen. We throw the dice but God always determines how they land. Don’t be afraid to push STOP in your life and reposition yourself for change. Change is uncomfortable, change involves risk, but change is ALWAYS good.
God began to cause a tug-of-war on the inside of me. He began challenging, demanding and tough on me. He was furious, irate, beside Himself that I had made man an idol and He was not having it. He told me that what He had for me was so much bigger than the four walls of a church. He also told me to get ready for harassment, maltreatment, and misunderstanding because it was about to hit me hard. He told me to embrace it because it was all a part of his plan for me.
I began to tuck, press into, get away more with God and confide in Him. I began to be very vulnerable with Him. I told him that my soul ached to see the people I love become so hurtful. The people I thought I’d be with forever act as if I didn’t exist. Act as if I didn’t serve them and have any part in what makes them who they are today. I told God I was bitterly angry because He allowed me to waste all of this time. God, my life could be very different. I could have accomplished so much more.
Be quiet, calm down, hush, shut it up He said. I allowed you to go through this because now I have your undivided attention. You were too loyal and I knew I had to let bizarre things happen in the community “church” to get you to notice me. Work through your pain and get rid of the bitterness because it will only make things worse down the line. Forgive them and move on.
God’s words captivated, pierced through me. My eyes opened and I realized I was worshiping the leader, the hero, the pastor more than God. I was looking to the leader, the hero, the pastor for direction more than God. I had an inordinate attachment that God was about to break. I was not living up to my full potential because I allowed the community “church” to box me in. I noticed that I had shut-out my family, friends, and people who didn’t necessarily believe in the community “church.” I isolated the very people that loved me. I was in a bubble inside of my community “church.” It had me hostage and I wasn’t letting anyone in my space other than my community “the church.”
So, I broke up with the church and renewed my vows with God. My heart ached when it came down to me leaving. It’s almost as if I had an accumulation on my eyes that had been removed. Now, I am free from what the community “church” thinks of me. A lot of rumbling took place when I left. People’s perspective of me changed and I was now being called an outsider and nothing good would probably ever come out of my life according to the community “the church.”
Now, my relationship with God is stronger than ever. I realize that God has me on a different path. A path that is not at the community “church” all of the time. God bless the people who are supposed to be there, I am not knocking you at all. I have locked into where God is taking me and I am comfortable with it. I stay involved with the community “church” through connecting with my friends who live for God. I am now lingering with people who don’t mess with the community “church” on any level. They embrace the God in me and I don’t judge them. God is so much bigger than the four walls of the community “church” and He has groomed, prepared, equipped me to be a light in the world.
Prayers That Keep It Real for: People Who Have Been Burned By Church – Part 2
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6:18 AM
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Now you have come to the beginning of understanding that God's house is not brick and mortar and God Himself is the teacher. That is the head of the Path now walk and listen as well as you are able, do as much as you are able to be Christ manifest in the world. This is the meaning of "the word become flesh" you, me and all of the children of God who walk as well as they are able, everyone according to their own abilities.
Just remember that to whom much has been given much is expected. The One who created all things is giving you much knowledge that many pastors, preachers and so called men of God will never receive.
So be at peace as much as you can Kimpossible and the core of that peace is forgiveness.
I think I'm in the same spot you just got out of.
Great post!
WOW! You couldn't have summed it up even better. It took me a while to get to the place of forgiveness. But, once I did, I was so free. Free to love, free to endure any obstacle because that one was so great. That was a life lesson that changed my life. It put me on a path...with new direction, wisdom, insight, clarity, focus, desperation, humility, that I had never traveled before. I have no regrets of that experience. In fact, I look forward to the day when myself, my hubby and our old Pastors can sit down for tea or dinner and I can thank them. Because I wouldn't have the substance I have now. That experience shook me at my core. It caused me to revisit the bible for myself and discover God's character and person for myself. And when I did that I discovered that a lot of what was being preached was twisted to fit whatever it was the Pastor wanted us to get out of it at that time. That's dangerous living. We all have to know God for ourselves. As you so elegantly put. God is not mortar and brick. He is my teacher. He has literally been guiding me every step of the way. It's a wonderful thing.
I so, enjoy your comments. Keep coming back.
Have an awesome Thursday Mark.
Your Friend,
You Told Harpo To Beat Me,
How do you feel about the place that you are currently in?
Thank you so much for dropping by and I look forward to further discussion about this.
Keep in touch!
I am going to add this to my mantras:
"God never wastes a hurt"
That is so true so true! Of course we can't see the forest for the trees until we are out of our journey. Sometimes, well out of our journey! Meditating (read: sitting down and shutting up!) and just listening and obeying God can eliminate many of the situations we find ourselves in!
Great post!!
Thanks for your comments Icey. It is funny you should mention meditating. I am practicing that more and more in my relationship with God. Just sitting and listening because a conversation is two way right?
Happy Thursday to you.
Kimpossible, I must ask how you came by that name.
Nice Blog thanks for stopping by mine.
Love your whole take on it. God's house is not bricks and stones.
Do u watch disney? I asked because of your name
Hey 30+,
I absolutely stole that name from the TV show. LOL!
Thanks for dropping by and keep in touch.
Thanks for dropping by. Yeppers, I used to watch KimPossible. One of my friends Leslo started calling me that and told me I should use it as a surname and I have been doing it ever since.
Let's keep in touch.
KimPossible niece is so inlove with the programme...and i admit i watch it too.
k, i read this somewhere 'lots of people are leaving the church and going back to God' that struck me as true, cos these days u find God outside the confinement of a churh...
i envy that its easy for u to pray and talk to God...i always wish i could have a free relationship with him, u knw,a place where i could talk freely without holding back, where i could listen and hear his voice...
thanks for stopping at mine, i'll be hanging out at urs from now.
God never wastes a hurt.....again God never wastes a hurt. Simple words yet so strong.
Thanx for posting this blog...
God Never Wastes a simple, yet so profound. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Yang!
Yes, I had to keep reminding myself of that. And it's so true.
I am glad you dropped by. Let's keep in touch.
Preach girl!
Fantasy Queen,
First, thank you for blessing my page. I am glad you dropped by. We must continue the blogship going. LOL! But, I am so serious.
I am also glad that you enjoyed the blog.
My relationship with God is always a work in progress. My mother taught me at a very young age to give everything to God. She would pray with me before school. I use to be terrified to pray to Him out loud and to pray in front of people. Then he moved from an acquaintance, to a friend, to a dad. I was telling someone on the blog today that a lot of times we don't allow God in our personal space because we are afraid to trust Him which is directly collated to how we field about our other relationships...whether it be our dad, mother, boyfriends, sister, brother, friends, etc. We always tend to treat God how others have treated us. For instance, I grew up in single parent home without my dad. I am married now for 9 years. I went through a paranoid phase with my husband where I wondered if he would leave me. But, I was treating my husband that way because my dad had left me. I went to a church where I looked up to a Pastor and he was like a father figure to me and he hurt me. So, I was building this defense mechanism up with my husband sub-consciously and he had to check me on it. And say, "Babe, I love you. I am with you forever, but I think this stems from your dad leaving you." I was mad at first when he said it because I never want to be victim but the fact that I grew up without a dad has shaped me. And I have some behavioral patterns that I need to fix. I think that is something I will have to leave with and manage for the rest of my life.
But, the root of all of what I am saying is trust. For all of these years that I have been in a relationship with daddy (God...that is what I refer to Him as because He has been just that) I always thought I trusted Him. But, I am just realizing this last past month that I was not trusting him fully. I was trying to help him out with certain areas of my life as if He doesn't know what He is doing. I wanted to be Plan A and I would use whatever His backup plan was and He was not having it.
Guess what? That came from not having my dad in my home. I saw my mother struggle to raise my brother and I working two and three jobs. She always taught me that no one is going to give you anything. You be independent and you take care of yourself. So, of course I adopted that hustler attitude. But, God clearly showed me, hello, I am the superstar here. I am the high hat, the bass, drums, and keys to your life.
I can remember I used to go to my grandmas house and she had a room that was filled with a lot of junk. Whenever she had company over we had better not open that door. That was the "secret room" she didn't want us to blow her cover that she wasn't as neat as he appeared. Well, we do that to God. We give Him permission to go in certain rooms of the home of our heart. We section it off and put up beware signs, caution signs, stop signs. And because He is a gentlemen He is not going to force His way in those rooms of our hearts because He wants us to have. You have not because you ask not. He is so smart isn't He. He waits until life's circumstances have whipped our tale and we get desperate enough to ask for assistance.
The funny thing is that God wants to be as close to us as we do Him. I wrote all of my dreams and what I viewed as success down about three weeks ago. I sealed it in an envelope and on the outside of the envelope I put "The day I died to my dreams" I told God that day, I wanted Him to be in control of my life and that if anything on that list was not HIS will for my life then close the door and take the desire away. That was my own personal physical way of taking steps toward trusting Him more.
Get at me chica. I want to hear from ya on what I said above.
A day isn't a day on PTKIR's blog if you don't show your face in the place.
I am glad you stopped by. Hey, I have an idea that I wanted to run by you. I am going to go to your page and send you an e-mail or message or something.
Have a good night man!
Wow...this is some deep and heartfelt stuff. Your story reminds me of a saying: You'll never realize how much that God is all you need until God is all you have.
Congrats on arriving at that conclusion. Encouragement on living it.
Glad I stopped by. Thanks for the invite.
Heart Drops,
Thanks for dropping by to my space. That seems like the line everyone liked the most. It is so true. He doesn't ever waste a hurt.
Keep in touch. Don't be a stranger.
Sojourner G,
OMG! That quote is so on point. It is so true.
I am glad that I went through that because it changed my life. It made me into such a better person.
You sound just like my pastor...and you know what i so much love his teachings of the word of God.
Cheers and tnx for stopping by mine. I'll defo be back ;)
Hey Ugo Daniels,
I am so glad that you stopped by.
Let's continue this blogship LOL! Keep in touch okay.
Wow Kim, your sharing opened my eyes to something about myself. As much as I say I love the Lord, I don't trust him fully with my life. I trust him when things appear to go my way or when it looks like I'm in control, but take my hands off the steering wheel and I get to God questioning.
And I got there in a similar manner. Lack of daddy in my life. My daddy was home, just not really in my life like I wanted. When we (my brother and I) were kids, he was running the streets. You couldn't depend on a promise he made. All we had was momma, for real. So, I started working at the age of 15 and since have tried not to put myself in a situation to depend on anybody for anything.
Of course, I have hit a wall a time or two and God has had to bail me out. Show me that he is in control, but I still revert back to only trusting my efforts at times. I have a hard time letting go. If I can't see something, I'm usually not in favor of it or at best I'm sketchy about it. So, all those faith messages I heard that got twisted in favor of the community ministry only made matters worse. It was proof that "it didn't work" when I came into the truth and that I needed to again depend on my efforts. But thank God for people like you and my wife. I'm seeing my way to letting go and letting God.
Keep doing your thang girl, you are setting some souls free!
Thanks for adding my link and visiting my blog. I added you to my friends list as well.
Lovely, lovely post...thanks for stopping by my spot....The song playing on your page, it's Fred hammond innit? Never heard it before, but it sounds wonderful.......have a great weekend!
that was so revealing, i've got trust issues in my life too, i kind of speak with my mouth 'take control father' but i'm not willing to let him do that with my head, cos i'm unconciously holding on to my comfort zone.
there are times i believe i've made progress and i hold on to him and feel his presence with me, and then i fall, and then i'm so ashamed that i fell and i hide from him...
but i'm learning to be steadfast,its gradual and i believe i'll get to that place where i can say take contro father and free fall knowing he's there to catch me...
Falling is not a failure, refusing to get back up is the failure.
Remember God is a spirit but as flesh and soul creatures being given a spirit after our physical birth it is not something one ever gets a full handle on but the loosing of the spirit to imbue your flesh and soul is as close as one can get for the moment to God. Why fear that, isn't it easier to be kind than cruel, love rather than hate, to laugh rather than cry in sorrow.
God does not want anything more from anyone at the moment than to learn what it means to be a spiritual creation. does this take trust...yes, but when you think of it it also takes all mortal cares off the table if you can let go of them and just sit there with nothing between you and God and a deck of cards to play gin with while you all talk.
Thank you for the right side words Kim, but it is what I have learned from god so the credit really goes to that One who created all of this.
Hey, you've got a really cool site here. So proud of you. You're doing a good thing. I made a new post and answered the questions you asked me in your comment on my blog. Sorry, it was a bit too much to fill a comment form with. ;)
I totally understand where you are coming from. Being hurt by the church, which is supposed to be a safe place...really shakes your world. It is sometimes hard to trust again and it takes a while to heal.
I will definitely remember to pray for you. Because I want you to know that although people fail us and hurt us. God is probably the ONLY consistent and constant things in our lives. So, try letting Him into the places in your heart where the church or others may have hurt you. It's hard to sort through pain and disappointment. It's so much easier to hide out and put up a defense mechanism. How do I know? I've done it. It feels safe there, but it is also lonely you know? You smile on the outside but on the inside you are really hurting.
I had my Pastors on a pedestal and thought they could do no wrong. But, God quickly let me know that they are human just like me and go through the same things we go through you know?
Whenever I am angry, pissed, annoyed, irritated, isolating God. I always have to take inventory and ask myself what event happened in my life that disappointed me, hurt me, etc. And once I figure out what the root cause is I can adjust my attitude with God.
I feel like I am babbling. But, I hope you get what I'm saying. Please let me know your thoughts on this one.
KEEP STOPPING BY! Let's maintain this blogship. LOL!
Have a great weekend.
Jeff Lee,
Hey my friend. Thank you so much for adding me. Keep in touch...keep dropping by.
Have a great weekend.
Mega Rich,
I TOTALLY feel you. It is hard to let go. Especially when we think we know what's best for us right? LOL! In this season of my life I feel like I am on autopilot. I am totally not in control and God is at the wheel. I also feel like God laughs at me sometimes. I feel like He is like "Okay, since you want the wheel, go ahead. I am going to let you crash a few times, take some wrong turns, etc." I guess the bottom line is that its all about maturity. Dang...growing pains are hard.
CS(Change Subject): Remember that show Growing Pains. Let's see...the theme song went something like. I bet we've been together for a million years. And I'll bet we'll be together for a million more!" LOL!
Okay, enough already.
Have a good weekend. Tell Michelle I said hello and I can't wait to meet her.
Your sis,
Thank you so much for stopping by my page. You gotta keep coming back. There's so much to discuss and talk about. Keep writing too.
I love Fred Hammond. The song is called "No Weapon." He has a song called "Just To Be Close To You." It's the song I walked down the isle is my FAVORITIST song! :)
Have a fabulous weekend and keep in touch.
Hey Sugabelly,
Thank you for stopping by. I am on my way to your blog after this. :)
Keep dropping by...we gotta keep writing and having real talk about important issues.
Have a great weekend!
You are deep. Thanks for always sharing your profound wisdom. Please keep stopping by my space. You add so much.
I hope your weekend is as wonderful as you are.
churches are becoming more n more less about the true meaning
"I was looking to the leader, the hero, the pastor for direction more than God."
sums the whole post up for me
Diary of a G,
First, thank you for stopping by my spot and commenting.
Yes, that does sum the whole thing up. It was as if I was in a cultish environment and didn't even know it until I stepped on the other side. I felt like I had been brainwashed. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything though because it helped me to examine EVERY THING about my life.
Keep in touch and have a great weekend.
I don't know how you found me, but thanks for stopping by. You're an inspiration!
As others have said, great post. It brings to mind one of my fave M'Shell Ndegeocello songs with the line: "...your followers condemn me, your words are used to enslave me..."
Growing up, i didn't realize what a blessing it was to have the "quirky" family that I do - my mother took us to church faithfully, but is very clear that she worshiped the spirit & not the huemans within the house of worship. For her the act of putting forth the effort to get up, get dressed & traveling to a house of worship was like "tithing" in a way. Then there is the blessing of my Dad who is clear that a house of worship is to be enjoyed for fellowshipping with others - but no one in that house is to be idolized. And as i commented in part 1 - I have found a house of worship here in nyc where the pastor is a REAL human who does not hold himself "above" his congregation - even if some of the congregates choose to. I love the fact that there have been sermons & discussions AT church led by our pastor & asst. pastors about the struggle that Black people have with faith in a religion that was used to enslave us!
just read your comment to fantasy queen, KimPossible - u should check out the new book by the three doctors: The Bond.
Hey Summer,
I think that I saw you on someone else's page and have been visiting your spot ever since.
Keep writing and let's keep in touch.
Have a great weekend.
Hola Chica. I am so glad to hear that you have found a church home that you like. I was so young when I got involved in church. I was impressionable you know? But, then I grew up and now I can see things a little more clearer.
Thanks so much for sharing. OMG! I went to that blog spot about the three doctors. You know, I will be visiting their spot on the regular.
Have a great weekend.
I found your blog. I like it. Very inspirational. Maybe we can exchange links.
Hi Lance,
Thank you so much for dropping by my blog. I look forward to reading your blogs.
Let's keep in touch.
i saw that book "the bond" by the 3 drs last week in the bookstore, and said i was going to get it & read it.
i'm so in my own little world with God. i gave my life to the Lord years ago a week before my husband died, and He immediately engulfed me and began to teach me His Word directly. i've had good teaching in the church, but i've always walked to the beat of a different drummer. makes you not-so-popular sometimes too, but as long as i have the report that i please God, nothing else matters.
thanx for leaving such inspiring comments on my poetry blog.
Heiress Child,
It is good to hear from you. Your perspective on church is so good. That is what's important. Pleasing God and not man. I think only God can REALLY teach us how to get to know Him more intimately anyway, through life's lessons. Really, when we go to church what the pastor is preaching should be a confirmation of what God has already spoke to us in our personal time alone with Him.
Thanks for your comments. Keep dropping by and I will definitely be back on your blog.
Hope you had a great weekend.
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