Prayers That Keep It Real for: People Who Have Been Burned By Church – Part 1
Real Talk: The truth of the matter is that a lot of people in society have been hurt by church. As a result, it has caused a gap between society and church. A lot of disappointments and frustrations we experienced in church have caused all of us to question whether or not God is really real. Which in reality is a good thing because it causes you to dig deep and discover who you really are, what we were put on this earth to do, and it causes us to discover God for ourselves.
I was young, naive, green, and impressionable. I wanted to attach myself to something meaningful. I wanted my life to have purpose. I didn’t want to just exist. I found a community of people called “church.” We all loved one another and we embraced our good and bad. We hung out together all of the time. We even lived with each other, we were that close. We were without a doubt family.
We have grown up a little more and now we have families. Our community “Church” is growing. We are all working hard to build the ministry. Our leader, hero, pastor was directing us every step of the way. Insuring we were on task with the vision. We were at the community “church” 24/7. We had to meet and serve to ensure the dream kept moving. We were building a brand that would be one up on other church markets. It was important that we put our time in.
We were close, undividable, inseparable and then a rift, crack, gap, hole, begun to secretly make its way in the community “church.” New people joined the community “church”. It was great because it allowed for our community to broaden and grow. After all, it gave us a chance to get to know more people outside of ourselves. The growth, increase, enlargement began to make minor and major adjustments in relationships and the community “church” dynamic.
Soon we became communities within the main community. Taking a stab at each other behind the curtains and fighting over miniature, microscopic, minute, tiny things. But when the curtains came up and it was time for the show, the service we learned how to fake it, put up facades and shift gears to get us through. We were becoming paranoid, fearful, suspicious of one another.
The leader, hero, pastor began to change. The pulpit became the leader, hero, pastor’s outlet for taking jabs at people in the community “church” and the atmosphere changed. Instead of a sanctuary it became a place of war, conflict, confrontation. A place where you were invited in the boxing ring at any time so that punches could be thrown. You were also welcomed to throw punches too. But in the end, the leader, hero, the pastor always had the last word.
I noticed a behind the scenes abusive relationship beginning to flare. It became a controlling environment in our community. I had to be accountable to the leader, hero, pastor for: Who I could date, where I wanted to live, what dreams I wanted to pursue. Pretty soon the leader, hero, pastor, informed us all that all of our dreams should be filtered through the community “church.” And that we should all be on board with it because it was God and it came from the leader, the hero, the pastor. I begin to notice that if I didn’t make myself accountable in my personal life to leadership I was no longer in the “inner circle.” I was officially on the invisible “hit list.” It had become very obvious if I wasn’t doing what they wanted me to do. I was now the black sheep of the community “church.”
Copywritten 2007
Prayers That Keep It Real for: People Who Have Been Burned By Church – Part 1
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7:36 AM
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I think many people have had issues with the church. Leadership has started to focus more on wealth building rather than spirit building. I don't attend church to learn about finances or to get beat over the head with what money I should be putting into the church...I want to strengthen my relationship with God!!
Wonderful post! Thanks for visiting...don't be a stranger!
Hey Icey! You are so right. I have noticed that we have neglected God in church and glorify idols (the leaders). Hmm...something is wrong with that picture.
Sometimes you have to divorce the church but not God. So, that you can refocus.
I love real talk! I will DEF keep in touch. Thanks for dropping by.
Hi Kimpossible,
Thank you for stopping by my site.
I am allergic to the pine, so getting an artificial tree was a treat 17 years ago. I can breathe. And it reminds me of my Mom. I bought the tree right after she died.
Very interesting post on organized religion. I was raised in a very eclectic house. We went to the local Sunday School. Then I primarily grew up in the Methodist church. Now I'm eclectic again. No organized church again.
I was on a church vestry for a few years. I saw the inner workings and was not pleased.
I now go watch the sun rise if I'm up early and say a prayer to my God in my way. And I'm good with that.
I am off to go shopping now with my daughter. She's off today.
Have an awesome day.
thanx for visiting my spot, Kimpossible. I'm blessed that I found a house of worship that fits me & my ideals - i consider my pastor an iconoclastic Christian - if that's possible:-).
Thanks for stopping by my site. I am not a church goer at all, deplore the way they massacre what is supposed to be a message of tolerance and love; but I am a part of the church this I know as a certainty.
The literal translation from the Greek texts of church is Ecclesia...which means a group of people called out from a larger group.
If I need to have an answer to a question God himself will answer it. It has been a long strange journey walking with God but it also has been a road that led me to peace.
Many times a church will grow and lose sight of what the purpose is, God's people. I walked away from a church because the moment I joined it became a question of what I could do for them. When I turned to the church for guidance, they were not there.
Hi Kimpossible,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your very inspiring comments. With regards to your church, you must consult God whether you have to stay there or move on to another more Christ attuned church. It's sad to note that your church has deteriorated to what it is now. Anyway, it does not matter whether you are in the inner circle or among those being persecuted by your own church. What matters is that you are serving Jesus and not anybody else, and that you do everything for His glory alone. God will uphold you if you are being unjustly persecuted by your own church. Thanks for the wonderful post. God bless and have a very inspiring and blessed day.
You must live in the STL cause I swear I went to the same church. Key word is WENT. I finally decided that it was no place for my family. The downside is that in terms of quality of word/teaching my former pastor is the best in the metro area, but you have to put up with too much junk so it's not worth it to overlook him and the other mess that goes on behind the scenes.
I left a year ago and still haven't decided to be a member anywhere else, but I'm still keeping my spiritual eyes and ears open. It's time out for church for the sake of church. The church will get better when we stop going for the okey doke and stand up for what's right, even if it is unpopular.
LOL! I know that is right. I am not a member of a church now myself. I have divorced the church but I haven't divorced God.
Check out Part 2 tomorrow.
KEEP IN TOUCH! KimPossible
I need a church that thinks globally but acts locally. Jesus was an activist, an advocate, a walking social service agency. When I see so-called Christians who are sexist, racist, classist, stingy, cruel, mean-spirited and/or petty, I pray for them, but I cant stay in church with them too long! I stay on the choir (I have a guaranteed seat) sing my heart out, have some Collation and go home.
Side Bar: Is it just me, or does "collation" sound like something you should be doing with your copier at work?
Girl you just gave me inspiration for a new blog. I'll shoot you an email if and when I kick it off.
Please hit me up when you write your new blog. And come by tomorrow and weigh in on Part 2. I LOVE your blogs by the way. I can't wait to see what you post tomorrow.
HILARIOUS! Yes, collation absolutely sounds like something I should be doing at the copier at work. LOL!
Yes, you are so right. Once I left the church I was a member of, I really begin to study the bible like never before. One thing I realize is that Jesus was hardly ever in church. He was out with the people. I think if Jesus were living today He would have on the latest fresh gear and He would be out building relationships with people. As Christians we can get so locked into the four walls of the church that we have an elitism attitude. And that's not kewl at all!
Come by tomorrow for Part 2 and weigh in. Thanks so much for dropping by.
Thank you for visiting my site. Hit me up tomorrow for part 2 of this blog.
Keep In Touch!
thanks for the visit and the comment kimpossible! i was recently telling a friend how most of my friends don't attend church due to disillusionment, though we all grew up in very religious homes. everyone told me that when i had a child, i would return to some church. so far, no go. i am definitely more aware of my spiritual need, and i teach my child about God and Christ, but i am yet to take him to church.
You know, I think that is the best way. The mistake I made is that I made my Pastors my idol and God wasn't haven't it. And, I became an island unto myself because I didn't hang with anyone other than the people that went to my church.
You know what a girl from my old church sent me an e-mail and said. She and I saw each other at one of our friends birthday parties and she was excited to see me because that was our first time seeing each other since I left the church. I had moved into a new home and she heard about. She told me that we should get up and I said yeah, you can come over and we can hang out. All of a sudden a month or two later. She e-mailed me and said that she did not think it would be wise for us to talk or hang out because since we no longer go the same church we have nothing in common.
I thought that was the craziest thing I had ever heard. I wrote her back and told her that I was baffled and that us being members of the body of Christ was our commonality. But, I know she is brainwashed as I was and can't see. A lot of times when you are close up on something you can't see. But, when you back up you get a larger view of what's really good.
So, I admire the fact that you are teaching your son about Christ. That will allow him to continue to seek God out for himself and his foundation would be firm and no one else would be able to convince him that his beliefs are not true.
Come back tomorrow for Part 2 and weigh in. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Let's keep in touch! I love your name!
My family, my children that is, were raised in the Catholic church. my problem as I attended some of their masses was that people seemed to think if you ask for forgiveness that it meant they could leave after mass do the same thing they ask forgiveness for and everything was okay. I am pretty sure that is not what was meant by asking for forgiveness means.
As for me, I found the "church" when I was young as well. I was looking for a safe haven. A place that could keep me away from the place "called" home, but was more like the proclaimed hell.
My "church" changed as well. Allowing only those with good church clothes on in to hear the sermon. Preaching about money and ownership. The Pastor became the be all and end all of everything. People feared him.
It has een years since I have been there, I never want to return, but I often wonder if anyone else was as lucky as I was and get away.
Wonderful post. It is nice to see that others have eperienced the same things. Thank you.
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Inside our hands, outside our hearts,
We have it backwards don't we? The one thing I noticed is that when I first got involved with that church I was young and impressionable. Desperately wanting to attach myself to something with purpose. So, I think a lot of times Pastors use you to get what they can get out of you. But at the end of the day you are helping them to fulfill their dreams and you aren't accomplishing any of your goals or doing any of your passions because you want to please a man. I think some pastors pimp you for your gifts and talents. It's a sad thing.
I am glad I see the light.
A lot of people end up idolizing th man of God insteand of God Himself. They fail to remember that Pastor has no heaven or hell for them in this life or the next. I think that attachment to people is what causes a lot of the issues in church that should not be a part of the environment and the rules,values,priorites implied therein , that the church itself claim to be and should be really about.
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